Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Dear Morgan.....

哈哈!没想到 Morgan 妈妈你会跑到我的 blog 来。谢谢你那些鼓励的话。很开心看到 Morgan 有了自己的 blog。Morgan 可是我们 PPIA 其中一位最帅的学生喔!记忆力超强的他每次都会有一些让人惊喜的成绩。他还会自己煎蛋吃呢!想多了解这位帅哥就一定要去他的 blog 喔!


我可爱的 Morgan 也会电脑设计耶!比我厉害!

A love poem to my dear Morgan:

Ready, get set go。。。。
Level 1
You never cease to make me laugh
Though you never cease to make me angry too
But your smile is your best weapon
For my heart melts
When you flash it straight to me
Level 2
Never ending surprises from you
Makes my day unpredictable
Yet I look eagerly look forward
To what you would bring to my life
Level 3
My heart fills with joy when I hear of you
Regardless of your achievements
Your bad habits or your funny antics
Coz these are made for you for who you are
If not for them
You won't be Morgan Tan。。。。。
Game Over。。。。。

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