I'm down, this week....
Really down.....
The feeling of betrayal by someone that you have always helped all along, even though she doesn't deserve it is equal to shit. It's not what this person owes or whether she has been putting in effort to clear them, it's just that whatever she does is just for her own selfish reasons without giving a damn hoot about other people. It's just like she's reaping off another person's life jacket in order to keep herself afloat.
" Trust no one but yourself." I regret not learning this earlier. Well, my uni degree doesn't cover this and I am just plain stupid to allow myself be reaped of of my life jacket. For the next few months, years and my life down the road, never again will I fall into the trap of tears and soppy stories. Anyone can just flood the whole town, but I will never take out my life jacket again.
I'm going to freeze my heart, let it be frozen and make myself stay in cold storage. I'm going to be cold-blooded, inhumane and turn into a zombie with no emotions.
Yes, trust no one but myself.
hi fren, hope u are OK.
u will be in my prayers.
let Jesus heal the pain ..whatever it is.. coz Jesus knows all.
hi fren,
surprised to see you here...
thx for your concern....
hope you are doing fine in your life...
god bless you...
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